Blog Elements

You can display blog posts in various ways with the «Blog Post» element/shortcode. You can see one example here and even more at the blog main menu item of this demo.

Información sobre fechas de tutorías y exámenes


Seminario Fe Joven Tabancura

El día de ayer, alumnas de III medio expusieron en el Congreso organizado por el @colegiotabancuraoficial 🏫 titulado "Fe Joven"De los 62 colegios que asistieron, 9 expusieron y uno de ellos fue Albamar 🗣💚 El objetivo…

Torneo de Hockey

El viernes 1 de septiembre iniciamos la participación del segundo semestre del Torneo Regional de Hockey Clausura 2023. Las representantes Albamarinas fueron las alumnas desde 5º básico a enseñanza media conformada por las categorías Sub…

Feria de Arte Alba Craft 

La semana pasada tuvimos la primera versión de la Feria de Arte Alba Craft 🖌️🎨, una actividad organizada por el Departamento de Arte, donde las alumnas del 2do ciclo y Enseñanza Media prepararon una serie de talleres y espacios creativos…

Cambridge Mock Tests

Within the English world, and taking into account the importance of certifying the English level our 2nd, 4th, 6th and 9th graders took the prestigious Cambridge Mock Tests: Starters, Movers, Flyers and PET respectively. …

English Week

On August 10th, as part of our English Week, there was a beautiful English Fair prepared by 6th, 8th, 9th and 12th graders. All the visitors were able to learn about the British Culture, The Environment and world wide Landmarks. It was amazing…

English Day y Malabicirco en Preescolar

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To celebrate our last day of school and English day, our pre-school children, together with 1st and 2nd graders, turned into a spectacular circus🎪. The children had a lot of fun playing different games that their teachers and the PE team…